With great offbeat destinations in India comes great offbeat adventurous activities in India. If you are someone who is into thrill and solitude at the same time, this is probably your best shot at grabbing both. It is highly unlikely and rare to experience both -an adrenaline rush that too in an atmosphere hidden away from the general flock of tourists! With that being said, here are some of the best offbeat adventure activities in India-

  1. Flyboarding 

You may know Goa as basking in the sun, chugging a few beers and maybe a bit of a dive into the cool waters. This offbeat adventure activity in India lets you leap in the air like a sparkling fountain. Make your superhero move in India’s first ever flyboarding in the Baina Beach of Goa and let yourself somersault, vault and zoom in the force of water under your feet on the party waters of this state! 

  1. Snow Chain Driving 

Turn your car into an adventure bunk! Head into the snows of the Himachal or its other Mountainous partners in the times of snowfall. When the winds get rough and the roads clog with snow, fit your four on four wheeler with coiled chains to escape skidding and throttle into the snow while you enjoy the pines and the deodars soaked in the pleasant snowfall while you get some real adventure behind the wheel ! 

  1. Trekking to the extraterrestrial

Kongka Pass has gained popularity as a UFO base in the Himalayas. Being a place that’s cupped in sky high mountains and snow clad ranges and perched at an extremely daunting elevation of  16965 ft is surely something wild , exciting and truly offbeat ! We are not sure about the UFOs but the challenging trek alongside the harsh climatic conditions makes it a really irresistible spot for the mountain junkie in you!

  1. Spelunking

You may know Manipur as one of the best offbeat destinations to feast your eyes on the culture of the seven sisters but you probably might not have heard about the equally enchanting caves of Manipur making its name into one of the best offbeat secrets of North Eastern India. Although being a cave, this goes on as high as  900 meters high and introduces the offbeat explorers to the presence of Hoabinhian Culture in India. 

  1. River Rafting

This surely might seem common – But let us make sure this isn’t in the heavy flocking tourist waters of the Rishikesh or Zanskar again and again. This exciting water chatter makes its flow in the Kali river in Kumaon – Immerse your inflated ride and paddle away in the Grade III rapids of the River Kali while stealing a glimpse at the valley of dense canopies of the woods with the chirping of birds alongside the gushing waters.

  1. Kayaking

The seven sisters are surely ever surprising- With another common activity in an offbeat spot , Kayaking in the rainy abode of picture perfect Meghalaya is exactly what you need for adventure and exclusiveness. Tame the wild waters with your kayak and paddle in the energetic river of Kynshi in Shillong and get the thrill of your lifetime water drifting the gorges in this gorgeous place of purely offbeat nature! 

  1. Traversing and Rivercrossing in Sikkim

Adding to most of the best offbeat adventure activities in India, we have Sikkim- Another cultural face with a hidden face of adventure tucked away safely, the ubiquitous fog and mist enveloping the surroundings, The gentle waft of the breeze on the face in these evergreen mountainous slopes and the chilly waters make for a perfect offbeat adventure.

  1. Skydiving

Did you know that alongside being a cultural offbeat stop, Madhya Pradesh also fosters offbeat adventure activities in India? Well, if you didn’t, brace yourself to spread your wings and soar high in the sky like an eagle in the exhilarating landscape of Dhana where you get to skydive from a whooping height of 4000 ft; you can feel the immense pleasure of an unaided flight enjoying the freefall and the calmness in this offbeat destination! 

  1. Mountain Biking 

Make way for speeding on your foot (not exactly) in the curls of lush green nature. Claimed to be the longest biking route in Sikkim, Gangtok-Rangpo entices you with the highly thrilling activity of biking through the slopes among the narrow ridges, craggy trails while you get to view the mesmerising Buddhist monasteries with a picture perfect view of diverse flora and fauna among the purest form of nature ! 

  1. Desert camping 

Huddle among  one of the best offbeat destinations in the scenic state of south India -Andhra Pradesh. Spend a starlit night among the great boulders of the Grand Canyon of India. With a beautiful gorge surpassing among the sandy brown rocks, spend your offbeat time in calmness in the cool breezy night of the quaint offbeat location.


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